Ashish Manohar

Hello, and welcome to my page! I am a Postdoctoral Scholar in the department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Stanford University, mentored by Dr. Koen Nieman. My broad research interests include the development of imaging tools and techniques for the better diagnosis of heart disease.

I completed my PhD under the guidance of Dr. Elliot McVeigh, where I focused my efforts on improving the spatio-temporal resolution of regional cardiac function assessment using 4-dimensional computed tomography. Prior to joining the doctoral program, I earned my MS in mechanical engineering from UC San Diego, where I worked with Dr. Juan Carlos del Alamo to develop tools for the quantitative characterization of the texture of the left ventricular endocardium.

I am the recipient of the American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship and the Siemens Young Scientist Award by SPIE Medical Imaging.

Outside of academia, I enjoy biking, playing tennis, and multi-day backcountry hiking.